Sunday, February 27, 2011

- part of growing up -

Well, it happend ...

Sam came running in the house today
in hysterics

'I'm in so much trouble, I'm in so much trouble"

finally, I find out

he has shot out the neighbor's window
with his bb gun!

How could this happen?

We have explained all the dangers and how careful that you have to be with guns
over and over again
he's a pretty cautious kid


Well, it has happened
so now we need to take care of it

My sweet boy apologized to the neighbor, crying the entire time.
Paul is so kind,
telling Sam that he isn't the first little boy to shoot someone's window out.

Sam asked me if he could take back his guns to help pay for the window.

I love this kid.

We all have learned a HUGE lesson today
and today, Brad and I feel like real parents.

{so worn out from a day of crying so hard and so long}

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Grandpa John

... is in the hospital
and has been for 3 days.
{he came home today}
We aren't sure what is wrong, yet
but we should know something soon.

Yesterday, he had surgery to
put a stint in to help his kidney work better.

It seems there is a mass
or something
pushing up on his organs

creating pain for him

Sam and I went to help keep his spirits up
and to support mom

We are all pretty worried

cutest valentines ever ...

Ok, really ...

aren't these awesome?!?
This was Sam's last year
for a
school Valentine Party
{since he's a fifth grader and all}

I'm so happy to have found this idea
and recreated it
They were a big hit

Happy Birthday Brad

Today is Brad's Birthday!

to celebrate

we are eating dinner
Olive Garden
{with his family}

but first, Sam has to give daddy his


It was a great night for everyone.

Happy Birthday Brad {39}

moving right along

There has been more progress on
the basement.

so, I thought I'd post a few pictures ...

check out that hidden door!

{how cool is that}

it is definately a work in progress,

but we are moving right along ...

and loving the progress!

Super Bowl

Greenbay {21} vs. Steelers {10}

I kinda hate to admit it, but I'm not really here for football

I'm here to hang out with my family
watch for the fun commercials
and of course
the half time show
{black eyed peas}
love 'em

I love how we are all gathered around the tv
eating lots of really good fried football foods
enjoying each others company

Just another reason to get together!

by the way,
my favorite commercial was ...
The Darth Vader / Volkswagon one
how cute was this


We went to Pottery Time to make Brad a birthday present.

Sam looked over every shelf of things to pick out,

for the perfect gift
for his dad ...

we finally settled on these ...
so much creative fun


and after the kiln ...

Coco Key Water Resort ...

When nature dumps the snow, what better to do than ...

go swimming!

We took Dawson and Billy to Coco Key today.

5 hours of indoor water fun
to fight the cabin fever that we have been feeling.

I settled myself in at a table with a good book
Winter Garden
by Kristin Hannah

and let the boys just play all day
they even ate lunch at a seperate table
without me

so independant
and so much fun watching them
entertain themselves, all day.

it was a really great day
to top it off
they all appreciated it so much
they were full of thank you's the whole way home!

~ more snow days ~

We are getting cabin fever from all these snow days

no video games today,

a few activities instead

since Brad's birthday is coming up,
we decided to make birthday cards ...

Sam also made a diarama
of a
war scene

complete with toy soldiers, bunkers, painted blood, weapons
such a little creative mind

he is so into everything war
{i hope it helps in social studies in school}

some blood and gore
i know,

but I still love his creativeness!