Saturday, February 12, 2011

Coco Key Water Resort ...

When nature dumps the snow, what better to do than ...

go swimming!

We took Dawson and Billy to Coco Key today.

5 hours of indoor water fun
to fight the cabin fever that we have been feeling.

I settled myself in at a table with a good book
Winter Garden
by Kristin Hannah

and let the boys just play all day
they even ate lunch at a seperate table
without me

so independant
and so much fun watching them
entertain themselves, all day.

it was a really great day
to top it off
they all appreciated it so much
they were full of thank you's the whole way home!

1 comment:

  1. wow! an indoor-water park?!? that looks and sounds incredible, my kids would just love it!

    great pictures!
