Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break

we are so excited for spring break
and having nothing to do
well ...
not anything that we have to do
we did pack many fun activies into the week
The Bounce House at Zona Rosa
with Taylor and Grant

I love these kids and it makes my heart happy
at how much they all love each other
{lots of laughter & giggling going on}


First time at Yogurtini
it's a self serve, lots of flavors, lots of toppings
kind of yogurt place
We will be hitting this hot spot all summer long

We even did some community service ...
all sorted food at Harvesters for 4 hours
dirty work and lots of fun
makes my heart swell
such good kids

Sam did a lot of rip sticking

We all went to see Kayla's big debut ...
Unlimited Blues Band

WOW, were they amazing!
12 on the drums,
15 on the guitar
15 singing
16 on the bass
{just kids}
seriously incredible

We still managed to stay up late and sleep in
every. single. day.
now we are ready for summer break
... can't wait ...

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