Tuesday, April 26, 2011

missing you daddy

Today is the day
the day my dad passed away
three years ago ... today

I seem the same
I act the same
I look the same

but boy, it sure feels different
even sometimes physically different
my chest, my stomach, my heart

it's so hard to understand
just how much I miss him

sometimes, I don't even understand

I look at his pictures
and it takes me right back to that moment
His face always makes me smile

He was such a presence in my life
in Sam's life
in Brad's life
our entire family

The impact of him not being on this earth anymore
is so strongly felt by so many
... still

It warms my heart, unbelieveably
to know how much he meant to my friends
and to his friends and to his employees

everyone still loves him
and that
means so much to me
helps keep him alive

I miss you everyday Daddy,

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day at the K!

First Royals Game of the 2011 Season
... with the Myers

A big surprise for Keaton's Birthday
and a day of fun for all of the boys!
{I am so jealous that I didn't get to be there}


They went early so they could check out the Royals Hall of Fame
and participate in the Outfield Experience
The Royals *lost to the Mariners that day
{hopefully they will get their mojo back soon}

but lots of goodies were bought and eatin'
and it was a beautiful day spent with friends

Oh, the memories.
So Cool


Sluggerrr's Batting Cages

Sluggerrr's Base Run

Sluggerrr's Pitching Mound

Monday, April 18, 2011

Finished at last

After a lot of hard work

{thank you honey and thank you Kevin}

and a lot of patience

the family room is complete

It's even furnished but still needing a few more touches

here and there

We are all so happy to be able to turn on a movie

and get cozy and comfy in our new family room ... together

I am delighted to have Sam and his buddies back

down there having band practice and playing video games

I can't believe we didn't do this sooner

So excited to have my Family Room back!