Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kids Triathalon

Swimming. Biking. Running.

It makes me proud to even say it ...
Sam competed in his first triathalon!

oh, the excitement, the nervousness
and the cold
{55 to be exact}

He swam 100 yards
biked 1 mile and
ran a half mile

As soon as the race started
he was on his own
He swam his 4 laps as we all cheered him on
then outside he ran to find his towel and clothes
everything he needed was waiting for him with his bike

He dryed off, got dressed and couldn't get his shoes on!
He rode the mile with his heels hanging out of his shoes

Before the run, he stopped and took the extra seconds to get those shoes on
he looked upset, worried ... he was fine
{it's all for fun, baby}

He looked so tired, but he ran
and when he could see the finish line
he sprinted, all the way in!

 his overall time was 17:29.6
19th place

Wow, we are all so proud of our little triathlete

19 35 Sam  Bowers  214  11 19  2:47.0  16  1:57.8 20  6:27.0  31 1:27.1 15  4:50.4 17:29.6

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