Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Weekend

... And I'm proud to be and American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me ...

                                        -Lee Greenwood

Sometimes it is easy for us to live our day to day lives
without thinking of the all the fighting that's going on

Today is a good day to remember
remember the heros
who are still serving around the world and
the heros who did not make it home

I really am so thankful for their services
 Our family was lucky enough to see a lot of our out of town family
this weekend

Most of our Omaha crew
came to Kansas City and
Shannon & Scott had us all over for a bar b que

so much fun for the kiddos

 Chris, Laurie, Katie & Christy
stopped in for a break in their travels to Florida
we all met at Rancho Grande
for one of their favorite meals

My cousin Chris, a Ranger in the Army,
{and one of my heros}
 has been deployed overseas
eight times
Thank God, he has fought hard and been blessed
to come home to his family
every single time
Thank God

The kids, so innocent, asking question after question
everyone so intense, listening to anything
he will tell us about his experience

so greatful he is here, so greatful he is safe
so greatful for family

Another piece of weekend excitement

Melissa and Shawn's baby girl arrived
Leah Diane Weaver
6 lbs 10 oz

How sweet is she!

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