Sunday, July 10, 2011

Transformers 3

... Dark of the Moon ...

Whoa, we loved this movie
definitely the best out of the three

Sam and Keaton were so excited

from the very beginning
I loved how the story line
 connected in with real life

a scene of John Kennedy in an interview
 about Apollo 11 and the space race,
to Buzz Aldrin confirming that 
the "one step for mankind" was actually 
an investigation into a crashed spaceship on the moon

McDreamy even had a part in this movie
that was a nice surprise for me
even though he was a bad guy

I know that a lot of the guys 
are upset that Megan Fox isn't in this one
I am here to tell you that 
Rosie Huntington-Whitely
is not to shabby to look at either

the action scenes are bigger and better,
the music is so much louder
and the autobots are tougher than ever!

We loved it!

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