Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Happy Birthday to me!

We celebrated with dinner at my moms
of course

I'm not posting any pictures
because I despise the ones Brad took of me

blowing out my candles

but it was delicious and
a really good time 
spent with family

I also went out 
for my birthday
count 'em 
nights in a row
{so not normal for me}

I love spur of the moment 

Thursday night, Shannon coaxed me out to Tanner's
for "just a birthday beer"  
we stayed out til Midnight!

Friday night, Sam spent the night with a friend
so what else were we to do
but gather a few friends 
and head to Tommy's for a few drinks

Kevin, Tracey, Brad & I
ended up dancing the night away
at Denim and Diamonds
{I always forget how much I love that place}
rounding out the night at Hayes for breakfast
during a storm

Saturday night, now this was a planned night out
we had a babysitter
celebrating August birthday's
Me, Kevin, Jeremy & Cat 
{Cat ended up working and couldn't make it}

We started out at The Farmhouse in the River Market
picked up a few extra friends
{Kerrie, Dominic, Debbie & Rodney}
and headed to Tommy's and then Marci's
{just because we thought we needed to stay out as late as we could}

Wow, what a birthday weekend

I may be 42, but sometimes I think I'm still 24

Happy Birthday to me!

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