Friday, August 12, 2011

You know you are from the Northland ...

if you can't stop reading every new post in this group
on facebook ... Ugh!

There have been so many posts from so many people to the group
You know you are from ... {fill in the blank}

and I have totally been 
sucked in

but it has been so much fun to be reminded
of all the details of the old days of my childhood
by reading these posts

Some I can remember like it was yesterday
and some I really can't remember, at all.

All the stores and shops inside
Antioch Mall and Metro North Mall
when they were so alive and full of people

The old two lane roads and landscapes 
that have changed

The restaurants, shopping and night clubs 
that were so popular 
and are now gone

World's of Fun park map 1980's

It's been so fun to go back 
and remember
so much

I'm feeling all nostalgic
oh the memories

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