Saturday, September 10, 2011

dippin dogs

running free
swimming free
hundreds of dogs
 treats everywhere

some serious dog fun

After the pool closes for the summer
to humans
Tiffany Springs Water Park
opens up, for one day,
to the pooches

I {of course} was a nervous wreck
... at first

everything went fine
 Kosmo and Jack
had a great time
{sadie stayed home, she would have been terrified}

Kosmo acted like he didn't even know who we were
he just wanted to meet new dogs and run free

Jack was so funny
 every time he saw a husky, he would stay with him
like he thought it was Kosmo

 He might have been a little unsure of his new found freedom

we all went home exhausted ...
the dogs 
and us

They slept the rest of the day!

We will definitely be back 
next year

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