Tuesday, December 27, 2011

on the agenda

... for today

~ Take Mom & John to the airport
at 6:00 am
{mom, did you forget that i am on break}
They are visiting Colorado for a few days!

~ Bowling with Brad, Sam, Kevin
and Kim and some of her family
{such a good time}

~ To Shannon's for just a bit
Brad is painting murals on the boys' walls

~ Movie @ The I-max
  Mission Impossible with Kim's family
and Kevin
{we loved it}

It was a really great day
but I'm exhausted

Ga' Night!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Blessings!

Christmas morning started a little earlier than usual this year.
Sam is usually so good about sleeping in. 

He has never been the kid that gets up at 5:00
yelling for everyone else to get up too

He usually sleeps til about 8:00 or so and stays in his room
until we have our coffee brewing and camera ready 

This year he woke up at 6:00, when I let the dogs out
but he stayed in bed, trying to go back to sleep until 9:00
~ he said it was the longest night ever ~
at 7:00 he was still awake and I said 
"let's get up!"

poor little thing always thinking of everyone else
even on Christmas Morning!
We relaxed and played with all of our new goodies
until we headed over to grandpa and grandma's, in the afternoon
 for more family festivities.

We enjoyed eating, visiting, playing with cousins
and eating again

until it was time to open more presents!

a beautiful mess

After we were finished here
we still had one more celebration
to get to

Matt and Toni were having chili
for all of us to visit with 
Grandpa Bob and JoAnn

I love the busy Christmas day
spent with so much family!

Christmas Morning

This is the face of a
truly surprised and happy boy

on Christmas morning

His very own laptop

Thursday, December 22, 2011

christmas cookies

Thank You Sissy
for letting
Sam make Christmas cookies
at your house

Thank You
so much

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blue Man Group

Date night with my guy {my little guy}

I was so excited when we got these tickets
given to us
hello ... tenth row!

I could not wait to take Sam
I felt bad for Brad not to go
but we only had two tickets

I just knew how much Sam would love this show

He seemed excited
and acted excited
until it was time to go
and then he was like
'i just don't really want to go'
{insert broken heart here}

How could he NOT want to go see

What is wrong with this child

Brad had to have a little heart to heart
with our boy
he expained how excited mom was to take him
because she knew how much HE was going to love it

how she was so looking forward to 
seeing the smile on his face
through the entire show

well ...
he sucked it up
and went
{for me}

Guess who LOVED the show?
my little guy

He sat on the edge of his seat
in awe
wide eyed
a permanent smile
plastered across his face

I knew he would!!
{momma knows}

the bright lights
 the loud music
the visual effects
the hilarious comedy

all things this little guy loves

on the way home
after the show
he said
 he was sorry that he had said he didn't want to go
and sorry if he hurt my feelings
{they were really only hurt for about a minute}

he said he loved the show

After we got home
at 10:00
{on a school night}

he couldn't wait to tell Brad all about it
he talked
explaining every detail of the show
and how much he loved it

 a great date night
for both of us