Friday, March 25, 2011

Rock It Sam

{sam/kayla ~ we love this girl}

We heard about an open jam session at The Office
so we thought we'd check it out
we weren't sure what to expect but,
Sam was really excited
he talked about it all week
that Tuesday morning and
as soon as he got home from school
we texted Kayla to see if she wanted to meet us too
some of her band was going to be there
The band played a set then took a break
and the open jam session began ...
Sam went right up there and played the first song!
A song that he had never even heard before
they told him what they were going to play
he listened to it on the ipod
over and over
until he felt that he had it
Brad was nervous
he rocked it!
we were so proud
bursting at the seams proud
he loved it and wanted to keep playing

I think we will be trying to make it to those open jam sessions
a little more often!

Spring Break

we are so excited for spring break
and having nothing to do
well ...
not anything that we have to do
we did pack many fun activies into the week
The Bounce House at Zona Rosa
with Taylor and Grant

I love these kids and it makes my heart happy
at how much they all love each other
{lots of laughter & giggling going on}


First time at Yogurtini
it's a self serve, lots of flavors, lots of toppings
kind of yogurt place
We will be hitting this hot spot all summer long

We even did some community service ...
all sorted food at Harvesters for 4 hours
dirty work and lots of fun
makes my heart swell
such good kids

Sam did a lot of rip sticking

We all went to see Kayla's big debut ...
Unlimited Blues Band

WOW, were they amazing!
12 on the drums,
15 on the guitar
15 singing
16 on the bass
{just kids}
seriously incredible

We still managed to stay up late and sleep in
every. single. day.
now we are ready for summer break
... can't wait ...


Sam has a new obession

the rip stick
He wants to be at the skate park
every. single. day.

the weather is beautiful
sunny and warm

so he needs to be skating

I love how daring and confident he is

It's an interesting place to hang out
so many different people
typical teen skater boys
but also
dads on skate boards and on bikes
little girls and little boys riding scooters and bikes
oh yeah ... and teen girls too
just hanging out
{trying to catch a boys eye}

it's a place for everyone to hang out

and Sam LOVES it

and he's getting pretty good!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Snake Saturday

It was a great day for a parade
a great day to spend with
good friends
After a few hours of Snake Saturday fun ...

it was time to take the kids home
and let the adults out for some night time fun

so we headed down to the Power & Light district
and had an amazing dinner and
amazing drinks at Gordon Biersch

our fabulous dessert ... beautiful

After Power & Light
we headed to Denim & Diamonds for
a little dancing

it was a late night out
so much fun!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

MD Anderson

let's make it clear
Cancer Sucks
That's the first thing I'd like to say

They are there!
where they should be, with the experts
in Houston at MD Anderson
{Mike and Shannon and Scott are there too}
They have met with the Doctors
the amazing doctors
Dr Paul Corn
here is what I know
he has a rare form of cancer
he has cancer cells in his psoas muscle
he might have cancer in his bladder?kidney?ureter?
{not sure yet}
they are calling it cancer of unknow primary origin
transitional cell carcinoma {TCC}
and I also know
he is so very strong in his faith
Monday is the day ...
the day that he will start chemo
he will fight the good fight
he will be tough and he will be strong
and it will be treated aggressively
and this will be beat
it has to be
it is much to important of a battle to lose
and so we pray, harder than ever
and we remain positive
and we wait

MD Anderson in Houston, Texas

Monday, March 7, 2011


My Best Friend
has become "our" best friend.

He has been one of my very closest friend's for more than 20 years
so many crazy years

together through all of those hard growing up stages of life
into responsible adults

there for each other, through
boyfriends and girlfriends

always friends

he has taught me a lot about life
and I like to think that I taught him a thing or two, too.

now ...
when Kevin is around
Sam tries to steal his attention ...
to play a video game together,
to tell him a story about his day,
or just to tease each other.

Sam loves Kevin

and Brad
is spending all of his extra time
with Kevin
which I guess is okay
I don't have the time to hang out and chat forever
like I used to

It's just good having Kevin around
and my family loving him
... just as much as I always have.