Sunday, July 24, 2011

Food Fight

Okay, here we go again!

I am done wearing this fat suit
I have been wearing it entirely too long

I think I've been lazy
I know I have been lazy

I'm done
I so want to be done
I am not supposed to be overweight

I want to wear cute clothes
I want to feel good
I want to be pretty
I want to be healthier

so, we are competing in the
Kansas City  Slimdown Challenge
through Cerner Health

We are Team Gravity
{we don't like the name either}

we are:
Sheri Bowers
Brad Bowers
Kevin Sheets
Lana Mulligan

We all weighed in today
the competition starts tomorrow
and ends October 5th

The top prize is awesome
and though we may not win first place
{I secretly think we really will win}

 if we meet our own goals
we will definitely be winners

Together we will do this!!

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