Monday, July 18, 2011

Full of Hot Air

I have been saying for the past three years
that I want to go to the Hot Air Balloon Fest in Colorado

it is Labor Day weekend every year
and looks 

we still have not been

Well guess what I found ...

The Great Midwest 
Hot Air Balloon Festival

here in Kansas City
well actually in Olathe
but still
{not eight hours away}

I called my mom and said
pack up John and go get Grandma
we gotta go

it's been soooo hot
but maybe if we went in the evening???
still so hot

we found a shady spot
planted our chairs and waited
 and waited
{the FAA kept holding it off because it was too windy}

and finally... 

There was an older lady sitting behind us
that pulled me and Brad aside to tell us how special
she thought it was that we were spending time with our parents

she actually started to cry as she told me how important
the memories and the time spent are.
She said that she
 had lost her husband
and both of her parents within three years and
it made her remember of all the things they did together.

She told me that it was a good example to my son
and to please always cherish my family
and keep creating memories

oh, if she only knew
just how much I do know

I seriously think that Sam loved 
the corn on the cob
more than the hot air balloons!
weird kid

so massive and so beautiful
 and so worth the wait!
- and the heat -

He had a second ear of corn
on the way out to the car

this crazy kid of mine

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