Monday, July 18, 2011

Look what's sprouting up ...

Sam's Garden

We stopped by Grandma's Saturday 
and took a peek at Sam's garden!

He has a bell pepper and a jalapeno!
everything is growing

There should be squash and cauliflower soon

he was so excited

asking Grandma if the strawberries are doing okay
and looking for buds on the squash and the cauliflower
he just seems so concerned and so proud of it all

{I can hardly stand how cute he is}


Then we all jumped in the car and went to Zona Rosa 
for some Yogurtini

Grandpa had never been, so we couldn't wait to take him.
When I was young, mom and John used to take us to
TCBY {the countrys best yogurt} all the time.

It was a family thing that we did often

It was a delicious evening

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