Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day

a brief report of the first day

Sixth grade

Classes this quarter:
Team Studies, Social Studies, Math, Communication Arts, 
PE, Technology Literacy and Band

He came home from school happy, excited, smiling and talking a mile a minute

he actually said that he

he loves the freedom, the lockers and the cafeteria
he went on and on about the cafeteria
so many choices, sitting where you want, talking to new friends

Tanner is his locker partner

I know that it's only the first day, but we are so happy that he is happy
right now

I, on the other hand, am overwhelmed, excited and nervous.


Happy Birthday to me!

We celebrated with dinner at my moms
of course

I'm not posting any pictures
because I despise the ones Brad took of me

blowing out my candles

but it was delicious and
a really good time 
spent with family

I also went out 
for my birthday
count 'em 
nights in a row
{so not normal for me}

I love spur of the moment 

Thursday night, Shannon coaxed me out to Tanner's
for "just a birthday beer"  
we stayed out til Midnight!

Friday night, Sam spent the night with a friend
so what else were we to do
but gather a few friends 
and head to Tommy's for a few drinks

Kevin, Tracey, Brad & I
ended up dancing the night away
at Denim and Diamonds
{I always forget how much I love that place}
rounding out the night at Hayes for breakfast
during a storm

Saturday night, now this was a planned night out
we had a babysitter
celebrating August birthday's
Me, Kevin, Jeremy & Cat 
{Cat ended up working and couldn't make it}

We started out at The Farmhouse in the River Market
picked up a few extra friends
{Kerrie, Dominic, Debbie & Rodney}
and headed to Tommy's and then Marci's
{just because we thought we needed to stay out as late as we could}

Wow, what a birthday weekend

I may be 42, but sometimes I think I'm still 24

Happy Birthday to me!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Concert

Clint Black is doing a concert
at Crown Center

five dollars?

He used to sell out at Sandstone
used to ... has it been that long ago

oh well

we went to this $5 show
and we had a good time

and it was crowded
sort of

We sat close to the fountains 
so that when Sam got bored
he'd have something to do

it didn't take long and 
he said he wanted to run through and 

 "try not to get wet"

that lasted all of 5 minutes!

We are a little older
and not so rowdy
{and we brought our kiddo}

but the music
and the night
was definitely worth the $15

Friday, August 12, 2011

You know you are from the Northland ...

if you can't stop reading every new post in this group
on facebook ... Ugh!

There have been so many posts from so many people to the group
You know you are from ... {fill in the blank}

and I have totally been 
sucked in

but it has been so much fun to be reminded
of all the details of the old days of my childhood
by reading these posts

Some I can remember like it was yesterday
and some I really can't remember, at all.

All the stores and shops inside
Antioch Mall and Metro North Mall
when they were so alive and full of people

The old two lane roads and landscapes 
that have changed

The restaurants, shopping and night clubs 
that were so popular 
and are now gone

World's of Fun park map 1980's

It's been so fun to go back 
and remember
so much

I'm feeling all nostalgic
oh the memories

Monday, August 1, 2011

Leaping Lizards

Sam is trying to convince us 
that he needs this ...

The neighbor kids'
mama lizard is having babies

She has been guarding her 5 eggs
like a good mama should

Well, she did a good job 
and they are starting to hatch
{under the watchful eye of a lot of kiddos}

  {the lone egg left to hatch}

How cool is that!?!

i love that they get to witness this slice of life actually happening
right before their eyes
{I mean, I have never got to see lizard eggs hatch}

Brad and I keep telling Sam "no."
we don't want to take care of a lizard

BUT ...

they are soooo cute

I might help Sam try to convince Brad

Update: Brad wasn't too hard to convince

Thursday's reality, 2:00 pm:

Sam and Dawson still asleep, after staying up alllll night
cups and a bowl for late night snacking
lego cars in the window sill
video game paraphernalia
empty cookie package
TV and lights still on
fruit roll up trash

Ahhh ... Summer!