Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Always Remembering ...

Our daily lives can be so busy
work, school, sports, appointments, etc
sometimes it's hard to make time to get together

but today, we make time
for our families to be together and
celebrate Grandpa/Dad ... together.

It's so important to me and to Shannon
and I think it is really important for the boys
they all miss him so much

Red.Blue.Yellow to represent KU
of course
Purple to represent Pancreatic Cancer
for shannon and i

little notes attached
we release them to ... Heaven

Then we're off for a delicious dinner at Stroud's
Daddy's favorite place for all of us to eat together

I know that he is there with us

We all enjoy this little ritual so much
the remembering and the together-ness

I hope we are never to busy
to remember

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