Thursday, July 28, 2011

Makin' Waves

This is one of our favorite parts of 

... swimming with the boys ...

 Plenty of:

Oh so much noise
and i love every. single. minute.

Peyton was doing his own thing today

He doesn't want in on 
who can make the biggest splash
he doesn't want to see 
who can swim the fastest to the end of the pool

He is into his new snorkeling gear ...
{he cracked me up all day long}

We are trying to
keep it cool by the pool

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Walking on Sunshine

This is my view of our evening walk.

Kosmo, Sadie and Jack
Sam on the ripstick

Even in this heat
{it's still like 85}

all three dogs cannot wait to
 get their leashes on
Sam always wants to come with us too

and that ...

makes my heart happy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Now Playing ...

What else can you do when it's 100 degrees outside?

catch another movie

We got invited to see Captain America
with Kevin and Kim

Wow, what a treat!
Kim works for AMC and we got in for FREE

I didn't know anything about
Captain America
I didn't know what his powers were 
or what his story was

It was pretty good and I surprisingly liked it

{although I am in desperate need for a girly movie}

I'm a little excited about seeing all of these
Super Hero movies
come together next year in
 The Avengers

I don't think Kevin will be asking us me to go to another movie
it drove him crazy that I talked in the movie
{i was just trying to explain parts to Sam}

I guess I really need to stop that!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Food Fight

Okay, here we go again!

I am done wearing this fat suit
I have been wearing it entirely too long

I think I've been lazy
I know I have been lazy

I'm done
I so want to be done
I am not supposed to be overweight

I want to wear cute clothes
I want to feel good
I want to be pretty
I want to be healthier

so, we are competing in the
Kansas City  Slimdown Challenge
through Cerner Health

We are Team Gravity
{we don't like the name either}

we are:
Sheri Bowers
Brad Bowers
Kevin Sheets
Lana Mulligan

We all weighed in today
the competition starts tomorrow
and ends October 5th

The top prize is awesome
and though we may not win first place
{I secretly think we really will win}

 if we meet our own goals
we will definitely be winners

Together we will do this!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Full of Hot Air

I have been saying for the past three years
that I want to go to the Hot Air Balloon Fest in Colorado

it is Labor Day weekend every year
and looks 

we still have not been

Well guess what I found ...

The Great Midwest 
Hot Air Balloon Festival

here in Kansas City
well actually in Olathe
but still
{not eight hours away}

I called my mom and said
pack up John and go get Grandma
we gotta go

it's been soooo hot
but maybe if we went in the evening???
still so hot

we found a shady spot
planted our chairs and waited
 and waited
{the FAA kept holding it off because it was too windy}

and finally... 

There was an older lady sitting behind us
that pulled me and Brad aside to tell us how special
she thought it was that we were spending time with our parents

she actually started to cry as she told me how important
the memories and the time spent are.
She said that she
 had lost her husband
and both of her parents within three years and
it made her remember of all the things they did together.

She told me that it was a good example to my son
and to please always cherish my family
and keep creating memories

oh, if she only knew
just how much I do know

I seriously think that Sam loved 
the corn on the cob
more than the hot air balloons!
weird kid

so massive and so beautiful
 and so worth the wait!
- and the heat -

He had a second ear of corn
on the way out to the car

this crazy kid of mine

Look what's sprouting up ...

Sam's Garden

We stopped by Grandma's Saturday 
and took a peek at Sam's garden!

He has a bell pepper and a jalapeno!
everything is growing

There should be squash and cauliflower soon

he was so excited

asking Grandma if the strawberries are doing okay
and looking for buds on the squash and the cauliflower
he just seems so concerned and so proud of it all

{I can hardly stand how cute he is}


Then we all jumped in the car and went to Zona Rosa 
for some Yogurtini

Grandpa had never been, so we couldn't wait to take him.
When I was young, mom and John used to take us to
TCBY {the countrys best yogurt} all the time.

It was a family thing that we did often

It was a delicious evening

Saturday, July 16, 2011

from mom with love

Hey there my sweet boy,

I just read about a young boy that took his own life last week, it sounds like he was being bullied by some kids that obviously had no idea how much they were affecting his life.  I have just been so sad reading about this and it made me think about you starting middle school this year and how hard life can feel sometimes.

If only this boy, his name was Hunter, if only Hunter knew that it wouldn't be this bad for very long.  In a week or so things would have gotten better.  The bullies would have moved on to someone or something else.  I wish he could have remembered that lots of people loved him, his family and so many friends.  They are all devastated.

When you are young, you don't realize that things really will get better, sooner than you think.  It sometimes doesn't seem like it, you think everyone will remember an embarrassing moment, or something you've done, but I promise, in a week or so, no one will even care.  You have to trust me on this, I've been there, things always do get better.

If kids are mean to you and they make it too hard to ignore them, please remember that your dad and I are here for you.  Your cousins, your grandma, your friends ... please always remember that you can talk to any of us, we will help you through anything.  There is nothing that we can't get through together, nothing.

Let this be a reminder to you, to never be mean to other kids, no matter what.  Try to stand up for the kids that are different or don't have as many friends as you do. Be confident in yourself and be proud.

So, my sweet boy, I know that we have have talked to you about these things before ... but after reading about Hunter, I just felt like I needed to let you know again.  Please be strong my son, and always remember that we love you more than anything in this world!

Photo by Brian Kvidera

To handle yourself, use your head
To handle others, use your heart

Friday, July 15, 2011

Words to live by

I love quotes and sayings
these are some of my favorites

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Transformers 3

... Dark of the Moon ...

Whoa, we loved this movie
definitely the best out of the three

Sam and Keaton were so excited

from the very beginning
I loved how the story line
 connected in with real life

a scene of John Kennedy in an interview
 about Apollo 11 and the space race,
to Buzz Aldrin confirming that 
the "one step for mankind" was actually 
an investigation into a crashed spaceship on the moon

McDreamy even had a part in this movie
that was a nice surprise for me
even though he was a bad guy

I know that a lot of the guys 
are upset that Megan Fox isn't in this one
I am here to tell you that 
Rosie Huntington-Whitely
is not to shabby to look at either

the action scenes are bigger and better,
the music is so much louder
and the autobots are tougher than ever!

We loved it!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keaton in Kansas City

for an entire week!

We brought him home with us
last weekend when we were visiting his family
at the lake

It can be like a little vacation week
for him

I have lots of activities planned

First up, was of course Fourth of July
{I already wrote about that in my last post}

Keaton really wanted to eat lunch at Fritz's 
in Crown Center
so I thought we'd make a day of it ...

We found a Rain Forest exhibit 
they learned a few interesting facts

We went to The Crayola Store
there is always something good to do there

They changed into swim trunks and 
played in the fountains
for almost an hour!

Later that night ...
a water balloon fight!

There has also been video games, toy stores, bicycle rides, 
hide n seek in the dark, tree climbing, a trip to the candy store,
open gym, playing with the neighbor kids, a movie,
whew ... I'm tired!

finally a little down time

We have kept ourselves pretty busy and
it has been a really good week!
{a few disagreement here and there
but for the most part, a lot of fun!}